Ars Electronica Festival 2002
Unplugged - Art as the Scene of Global Conflicts
Curator for first African participation: Davis O. Nejo
Cross Cultural Communication project at the festival: "African ArtScreen"
... means the severed thread, fractured lines of development that had been thought to move only higher and higher, the abyss alongside the routes traveled by the caravans of progress ...
UNPLUGGED proceeds from the factuality of a globally networked world from which nobody can withdraw, no matter how distant they are from the dominant US-Europe-Japan capital triad and regardless of how far away the next electrical outlet might be. UNPLUGGED focuses on the blind spots of globalization, those barriers of a mental and geographic nature that make getting connect-ed to and taking part in this process of global networking (“the Net”) and the cultural and social models it conveys
impossible, illicit or even unwelcome.
UNPLUGGED thus also confronts our own inability to enter into a networked arrangement with “the others” that goes beyond the exploitation and preservation of our own spheres of influence
Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf
Directors Ars Electronica Center
African Art Screen projects at the Ars Electronica Festival >>>
Unplugged - Art as the Scene of Global Conflicts
Curator for first African participation: Davis O. Nejo
Cross Cultural Communication project at the festival: "African ArtScreen"
... means the severed thread, fractured lines of development that had been thought to move only higher and higher, the abyss alongside the routes traveled by the caravans of progress ...
UNPLUGGED proceeds from the factuality of a globally networked world from which nobody can withdraw, no matter how distant they are from the dominant US-Europe-Japan capital triad and regardless of how far away the next electrical outlet might be. UNPLUGGED focuses on the blind spots of globalization, those barriers of a mental and geographic nature that make getting connect-ed to and taking part in this process of global networking (“the Net”) and the cultural and social models it conveys
impossible, illicit or even unwelcome.
UNPLUGGED thus also confronts our own inability to enter into a networked arrangement with “the others” that goes beyond the exploitation and preservation of our own spheres of influence
Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf
Directors Ars Electronica Center
African Art Screen projects at the Ars Electronica Festival >>>